magazine publisher

美 [ˈmæɡəziːn ˈpʌblɪʃər]英 [ˌmæɡəˈziːn ˈpʌblɪʃə(r)]
  • 网络杂志出版商
magazine publishermagazine publisher
  1. Magazine Publisher : Our magazine does not have a liberal bias .


  2. Anna Wintour has been named artistic director for magazine publisher Conde Nast .


  3. Two years earlier , magazine publisher Leung Tin-wai 's left forearm was severed in an attack .


  4. Freelanced the article to a magazine publisher .


  5. Actually , there 's little difference between that neighborhood pornographer and Guccione , the magazine publisher , other than financial success .


  6. Magazine publisher Larry Flynt also let it be known this week that he too would try to unseat Governor Davis .


  7. A magazine publisher creating an iPad app should ensure that each article has clear links to a mirror version of each article on the web .


  8. For the past four months , Time Inc. employees have wondered who will lead the magazine publisher once it is spun out into a standalone public company early next year .


  9. Mr. Griffin , for instance , spoke with only a few Time staffers during its highly confidential search & partly because he worked for rival magazine publisher Meredith Corp. , according to the informed individual .


  10. Time Inc. , the venerable magazine publisher whose titles include Fortune , this morning was spun out into an independent company by Time Warner and has begun trading on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol TIME - 0.77 % .


  11. But among the employees of ITP , the magazine 's publisher , the free drinks were going down with more than the usual gusto .


  12. It never occurred to her to put in for overtime pay , which Cond é Nast , the magazine 's publisher , provides .


  13. By day I am the editor of mainstream American magazine called Wired , I work for Conde Nast , the biggest magazine publisher and by night I am a blogger and I write a book about niches .


  14. The survey was conducted by the Yueji.Self , a Chinese-language magazine jointly launched this month by the Chinese-language Women of China magazine and the New York-based magazine publisher Conde Nast Publications .
